Across the Sky

Twiglets “A twiglet’s aim is to “prompt” a thought.”  

Greening is the grass
and daffodils raise their heads
dandelions dot the green
in deeper shades of sun
everywhere I look
signs of spring appear
but across that placid sky
there is a land of pain.
Just a happenstance of birth
that I am safely here
but it taints this springy day
and takes away its mirth.

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13 Responses to Across the Sky

  1. Yes, with all the new growth of spring we are reminded of some of the sorrows in our past.


  2. Hobbo says:

    You paint a clever link between spring’s promise and Ukraine’s tragedy. What is happening there is simply awful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Misky says:

    I feel the same.


  4. Good one, Debi! We were thinking along the same lines.


  5. Jules says:

    Yes… the news is disheartening.
    But then I also read how others are helping…

    I even dreamed of war last night…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What’s happening in Ukraine, climate crisis and we are helpless. Spring soothes a tiny bit.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Fortunately, there are sunflowers still standing tall.


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