Ink in Thirds

inkinthirds – 100 Word Wednesday

“Did you see the horses this morning?” she asked
pointing to the yard. “So pretty. They aren’t there now,
but I saw them.” she continued. I nod and smile back.
I saw them earlier, three deer, a doe and two fawns.

Daddy walks in booming a cheery, “Hello, beautiful.” 
Mama frowns, holds a finger to her mouth, “Shhhh”
she scolds,” the children are napping.” Daddy smiles
sheepishly and takes her wrinkled, spotted hand.
She smiles back, forgetting already her admonition.

And this is her fuzzy life. Living in the past.
All her todays and tomorrows a blur of happy memories.

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2 Responses to Ink in Thirds

  1. Misky says:

    Absolutely excellent. ❤️


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