The Longest Day

dVerse Haibun Monday 6-17-24: Solstice Posted by Frank J. Tassone 

The longest day of the year, June twentieth, and we celebrate the extended light of the day. Darkness is pushed further into the evening, more time to play, socialize, and rest on the porch with a glass of lemonade. It is a pleasure tempered by the knowledge that now the days begin to be shorter. This triggers a sadness in me as I think of my mom and our conversation yesterday. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s more than a year ago. She watched a show that listed the stages of the disease and she thinks she is number four. I have been noticing the changes, the worsening of her memory. The most tragic part of this disease is the beginning when you are aware and can see the coming darkness. Naturally, she is scared.

Solstice, The longest day
pushes against the dark night

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, when those impacted by memory-impairing diseases come together and raise awareness … Affectionately known as ‘The Longest Day, The Alzheimer’s Association has adopted this day to encourage people across the world to connect and outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s. – What Is The Longest Day? Raising Awareness for Alzheimer’s (

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13 Responses to The Longest Day

  1. Helen says:

    A heartfelt haibun, Debi. My Mother had Alzheimer’s. She was confused and frightened in the early stages; becoming more calm in later stages as the disease progressed. I will never forget one summer evening when she simply asked me “what’s the name of this disease I have .. is it called imagination?” tears welling in my eyes I simply replied “that’s the perfect name Mama.” You and your mother will get through this, I promise. The “bittersweet” at times seems impossible to bear, however we do. Sending love.


  2. Truly a heartrending witness. All my best to you and your mom. A moving write, Debi.


  3. *HUG* That’s really hard, Debi. A very poignant, powerful piece.

    Much love,


  4. Misky says:

    I wish to say, Debi, how very blessed she is to have you in her care.


  5. Cris says:

    So poignant, Debi. Hugs to you and your mama as you navigate this longest night.

    Liked by 1 person

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